Ian makes great progress at Burnside

In April, Ian was discharged from Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and reunited with his friends in #BurnsideCareHome with a fracture, following a fall.

Of course, soon after that came lockdown.

With the support of staff and remote advice from our physiotherapist, Vicky, this is Ian today.

He does exercises twice a day, with the guidance of staff. He is amazing and still improving.

Senior Carer Evelyn, who is with him in the video, supports Ian to walk the distances he feels able and that is improving too, all while keeping his wit and humour to keep staff on their toes too.

Evelyn and the senior team at Burnside work together to ensure this activity is incorporated into Ian’s care a few times daily, by all staff.

Ian has been through such a lot and he is coming through the other end, thanks to the amazing support of the Scotstoun staff and nurses!
